How to apply

All forms and documents should be in ENGLISH

Send to [email protected] the following documents (no enquires should be sent to this e-mail, for further information see “INFORMATION”)

• Application forms for (please right click and save as):



• Curriculum Vitae
• Arrange for two individuals who are familiar with your academic and research background and goals to send a 1 page reference by e-mail ([email protected]).

(a) Latin American students correspond to applicants that are currently working/studying in Latin America, regardless their nationality.

(b) Non-Latin American students correspond to applicants that are currently working/studying in a non-Latin American country, regardless their nationality.

Deadline for applications: 30th July 2024

At the end of the Quintay 2025 course, the two best students will receive the Quintay 2025 Prize, which consists in a place to attend the MBL Embryology course (Woods Hole, USA) during 2025 and a full fellowship to attend the MBL course.